Legacy Garden

Fostering a Just, Resilient, Sustainable Agrifood System
Saint Mary’s half-acre campus garden is a living laboratory home to a diverse range of organic fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs, fruit trees and animals.
The outdoor educational space aims to foster community, enhance academic learning, promote physical and emotional health, and encourage just and sustainable agrifood systems.
Since its inception, the Legacy Garden has been a project that involves diverse stakeholders within the SMC community. Students, staff, and faculty have contributed hundreds of service hours in the garden—planting, cultivating, building structures, and helping to sustain this picturesque resource—so that it continues to function effectively as a living, thriving, educational space. Additionally, the garden maintains an active and ongoing partnership with CILSA, providing a site where many students each semester may fulfill their Community Engagement requirements for graduation.
Everyone is welcome to work in and enjoy the fruits of the garden! Want to get involved? Email smcsustainability@nbzhiai.com for more info and upcoming volunteer hours.

The Legacy Garden
Located right next to Saint Mary's main campus, the bountiful garden can be entered through the parking lot of the South Claeys Residential Hall.